
Monday, September 24, 2012

HOW TO - Install Logitech Mouse Driver

First, you need to know the Logitech mouse driver is actually called SetPoint. At the time of writing, SetPoint has its latest version 6.32, both 32 bit and 64 bit versions are available:

For 32 bit system:

For 64 bit system:

Other versions of SetPoint can also be found from Logitech's FTP site:

The default download from Logitech's support is their SetPoint Smart version, which will connect to their website for online updates. SetPoint Smart is not a full install package, but depends on additional components downloading from the Internet. For network administrator, this could cause problems because very likely your intranet is somehow connect to the Internet through a proxy. So, likely you will use the above shortcuts to download the full version and disable the online update during installation setup wizard.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

SOLVED! - High CPU Usage of Microsoft Security Essentials

I've at least two laptops, after installing Microsoft Security Essentials, the CPU usage jumps up. Stopping or uninstalling it resolved the problem, which isolated the source to be Microsoft Security Essentials itself. After some research, this works for me as a workaround this problem.

  1. Run Task Manager, find the process with high CPU usage. (Sorting by CPU may help you find it)
  2. Likely you will find "MsMpEng.exe" has taken much of your CPU time
  3. Now go to  your Microsoft Security Essentials, click on the "Settings" tab. Select "Excluded files and locations"
  4. Browse to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\MsMpEng.exe", Ok and press Add button to add the file to your list of excluded files and locations. Press Save changes button.

Same method applies to other trusted files. You should see the CPU usage drops down dramatically.